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What is Semaglutide?

Semaglutide can help control your cravings, blood sugar regulation and appetite to achieve significant weight loss! Semaglutide is an FDA-approved prescription for weight management.

  • Semaglutide is a weight loss medication received by weekly injection
  • Semaglutide is FDA approved for weight loss
  • Semaglutide is more effective than all prior weight loss medications!

How Does Semaglutide Work?

  • Slows down stomach emptying so that after eating, you feel full longer
  • Suppresses appetite and food cravings (on average patients eat ~30% less)
  • Lowers blood glucose levels (without making glucose levels too low)

Your body naturally produces several substances that affect your appetite. One of these is called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). The body produces GLP-1 naturally when you eat. GLP-1 stops you from feeling hungry and makes you feel full or satisfied.

Semaglutide imitates GLP-1 in the body. This means that Semaglutide provides the same effect as this natural substance (GLP-1) in our bodies.

Reduced food intake: Because Semaglutide reduces feelings of hunger, you eat less food. When combined with a healthy diet, exercise and everything @Chill Cryotherapy, Semaglutide will help you lose weight!

Effect on plaques in your blood vessels: In animal studies, Semaglutide stopped the progression of plaque formation in blood vessels. This is likely why Semaglutide has also been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events and strokes.

Who Can Take Semaglutide?

Our physicians and nurse practitioners will evaluate you and determine if semaglutide can help you lose weight and live a healthier life!

Semaglutide is extremely effective for helping obese and overweight patients lose weight. It is safe for individuals with hypertension, type-2 diabetes and dyslipidemia.

Who Cannot Take Semaglutide?

You CANNOT take Semaglutide if you have any of the following conditions:

  • personal or family history of Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma (MTC)
  • personal or family history of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, type 2 (MEN 2)
  • prior allergic reaction to Semaglutide or to any of its ingredients*
  • diabetic retinopathy (diabetic eye disease)
  • pregnant or trying to get pregnant
  • breast-feeding (Semaglutide is present in breast milk)
  • depression with a history of suicidal thoughts
  • history of pancreatitis
  • kidney disease/kidney insufficiency
  • stomach problems
  • diabetes-you must obtain approval for use from endocrinology or primary care physician)

What Are the Ingredients in Semaglutide?

Active Ingredient: Semaglutide and Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)

We include vitamin B12 with our semaglutide injections in order to reduce the incidence of nausea or stomach upset.

Frequently Asked Questions

Step 1: fill out our medical intake and consent form

Step 2: meet with our physician virtually to determine your suitability for semaglutide treatment

Step 3: Per physician’s instructions, you will receive once weekly injections of semaglutide at Chill.

Step 4: continue to eat a healthy diet, exercise and utilize Chill Cryotherapy services to stimulate metabolic boost and weight loss!

Semaglutide has been described by doctors as twice as effective as any prescription weight loss products on the market today, likening it to the equivalent of having gastric bypass surgery.

Semaglutide trial results showed overweight or obese adults receiving weekly semaglutide had a mean weight loss of 14.9% at 68 weeks. In this same study, nearly 70% of participants were able to achieve a 10% weight loss threshold by taking semaglutide. And 32% of participants lost at least 20% of their initial weight.

  • improved fertility
  • smoking cessation
  • cardiovascular benefits
  • neuroprotective
  • relieve PCOS

Semaglutide is a subcutaneous injection, usually administered once weekly. Dosing may be increased after one month if needed.

The most common reported side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain and constipation. The risk of serious side effects increases in patients with hypoglycemia, kidney problems and high risk for allergic reactions.

Ozempic and Wegovy are two brand names that are used to market injectable semaglutide. Ozempic is used for type 2 diabetes, with a secondary benefit of weight loss, while Wegovy was formulated specifically for weight loss. Both of these brand name medications contain semaglutide! Semaglutide is the peptide found in both of these brand name medications. The benefit of getting semaglutide through Chill Cryotherapy is that you will pay a lot less for the same medication!

Yes! We can offer direct shipping of your semaglutide injections if you are not able to come into Chill for your injections. We are licensed to offer semaglutide in New Jersey, New York, Ohio and Florida.


We offer several options:

  1. Doctor’s Consultation: $99 (one-time Fee, unless follow up consultation or physician extender is required)
  2. 1st month Semaglutide (4 injections): $250
  3. 2nd month Semaglutide (4 injections): $299
  4. 3rd month Semaglutide (4 injections): $349
  5. 4th month Semaglutide (4 injections): $399

Or choose the 3-month package (our BEST DEAL available):

  • Doctor’s Consultation + months 1-3 of Semaglutide:  $897 (that’s $100 savings!)

Research Articles and Clinical Trials

Effect of Continued Weekly Subcutaneous Semaglutide vs Placebo on Weight Loss Maintenance in Adults With Overweight or Obesity The STEP 4 Randomized Clinical Trial

Impact of semaglutide on high-sensitivity C-reactive protein: exploratory patient-level analyses of SUSTAIN and PIONEER randomized clinical trials

FDA Approves New Drug Treatment for Chronic Weight Management, First Since 2014

Scan the QR Code or Click Here to see if you qualify!

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